What is autoimmune disease? Autoimmune diseases disorders of the immune system mistakes self tissues for non-self and mounts an attack out of place. Causes, incidence and risk factors for autoimmune disorders
The immune system protects the body from potentially harmful substances (antigens) such as microorganisms, toxins, cancer cells, and foreign blood or tissues from another person or species. Antigens destroyed the immune response that includes production of antibodies (molecules that attach to the antigen and make it more susceptible to destruction) and sensitized lymphocytes (specialized white blood cells that recognize and destroy specific antigens). Immune system disorders occur when the immune response does not fit, excessive or not. Autoimmune disease develops when the immune system destroys healthy body tissue. It is caused by an allergic reaction similar to allergies when the immune system reacts to substances that it normally would ignore. In allergies, the immune system reacts to foreign substances are usually harmless. In autoimmune diseases, the immune system reacts to normal tissue alone. Normally, the immune system can distinguish themselves from non-self tissue. Some immune cells
(lymphocytes) become sensitive to yourself, tissue cells, but the failure of lymphocytes are usually controlled (suppressed) other lymphocytes. Autoimmune disorders occur when the normal management process broken. They can also occur if normal body tissue is changed so that it no longer recognized myself. The mechanisms that cause disrupted control or tissue changes
unknown. One theory suggests that various microorganisms and drugs
may cause some of these changes, especially in people with >> << genetic predisposition to autoimmune disease. Autoimmune disorders are the result of the destruction of one or more types of body tissues, wrong body growth, or changes in the function body >>. << Disorder may affect only one organ or tissue type or may affect
many organs and tissues. Organs and tissues of all affected by
autoimmune diseases include blood components such as red blood cells, blood vessels
, connective tissues, endocrine glands like the thyroid or pancreas
, m 'muscles, joints and skin. Multiple sclerosis of the body, blood pressure immune system attacks the central nervous system >> << and keeps nerves tells the body to do things like
, walk, talk and write. Multiple sclerosis is often referred to simply as
MS. Some people with multiple sclerosis need to use wheelchairs to get around. Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1 or juvenile diabetes) the body's immune system attacks the SC insulin-making cells in the pancreas
(a body) and destroys them. Without enough insulin, the body can not
control how much blood sugar.
Someone with insulin-dependent diabetes
requires daily insulin shots to live. Rheumatoid arthritis: the body's immune system attacks the SC tissue
around joints in the body. This disease makes the tissue swell and can cause pain and real estate. It can also damage the heart, lungs and eyes
, . Body, blood pressure immune system attacks the muscles, tendons and ligaments, causing pain and fatigue. Body, blood pressure immune system attacks the joints, skin, kidneys
, heart, lungs, blood vessels and brain. Sometimes it is very difficult
tell if you have lupus. General features bright rash on the face
joint pain, unexplained fever, chest pain when you breathe, and
unusual hair loss. Body, blood pressure immune system attacks
thyroid. The thyroid gland controls >> << body uses energy. These diseases can make people lose or gain weight, then
more, become more sensitive to heat changes, as well as change a woman JSC
period. Symptoms of autoimmune disease differ from each other
depending on the type of disease. Group is very nonspecific symptoms often accompany autoimmune diseases
particularly collagen vascular type and include >> <<: >> << fever, low-grade fever height
organ or tissue destruction, resulting in decreased functioning
organ or tissue (eg, islet cells of the pancreas are destroyed >> << diabetes)
increase the size of an organ or tissue (eg,
enlarged thyroid gland in Graves' disease)
Note: Symptoms vary depending on the specific disorder >> << and organ or tissue affected lasix 50 mg. There are over 80 autoimmune diseases that affect different parts
human body. About 75% of autoimmune diseases in women. Woman >> << likely, get autoimmune disease, if other family members
autoimmune diseases. Some diseases such as psoriasis may arise between
several members of one family, suggesting that a particular gene or set of genes
draws a family member psoriasis. In addition, some >> << family with autoimmune diseases may inherit and share a set
abnormal genes, although they may develop different autoimmune diseases. These diseases are often chronic, requiring lifelong care and control, even if the person
may look and feel good. Currently, few autoimmune diseases can be cured
or make disappear with treatment. However, many people with these diseases
can live normal lives when they receive the necessary medical care. Scientists looking for ways to prevent and treat these diseases by studying >> << immune system factors, the role of genetics and the possible role of infectious agents. The aim of treatment is to reduce symptoms and control
autoimmune process while maintaining the ability to fight disease <<. >> Treatment of these diseases is mainly based on the use
immunosuppressants such as glucocorticoids, calcineurin inhibitors
antiproliferatives-and antimetabolites. However, these pharmacological treatments can reduce immune function in general >> << have different cytotoxic effects, and therefore can suppress the immune system >> << not in some way, exposing patient's risk of infections and cancer
. In addition, Kaltsinevrinovye and glucocorticoids can not be used in patients with diabetes
Side effects of drugs used to suppress the immune system can be very serious,
which include fast / irregular / pounding heartbeat, pain abdominal pain, blood in stool
. , mental / mood changes, severe headache, light or pomyatost
bleeding, pain or swelling in the legs, numbness or tingling in hands or feet
instability, unexplained muscle weakness, seizures, vision changes, extreme >> << fatigue, chest pain, joint pain, butterfly shape rash on the nose and cheek
You can also have a slightly increased risk of> ;> << certain types of cancer (lymphoma), tuberculosis infection. Recent advances in therapeutic
immuno-suppression is anti-CD3
. monoclonal antibodies against IL-2 receptor monoclonal antibodies and
anti-TNF monoclonal antibodies. Although these procedures show marked
immunosuppressive effects, anaphylaxis reaction, opportunistic infections
(tuberculosis) and neoplasms, AOS, fever, urticaria, hypotension, shortness of breath is the air
' associated with these drugs, which represent a serious problem in the application
mentioned compositions and pharmaceutical products. In injecting >> << One of the three patient can provide itching, swelling and pain
New therapy increased interest in therapeutic approaches
directed at the level of transcription of genes (eg, COX2, INOS, IL1beta,
. TNFalpha, IKAM etc.). One of the most important mediators
NF-kappaB, which plays a key role in regulated expression of a large number
proinflammatory mediators including cytokines such as IL-6 and IL-8, cell adhesion molecules
such as ICAM and VCAM, and nitric oxide synthase indutsibelnoy
(INOS). These proinflammatory mediators are known to play an important role in inflammation >> << in the case of INOS, can lead to organ destruction in some >> << inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. .